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Motocross Madness

Fix - Could not find any 3-D acceleration hardware on your system


If your video card has more than 512 MB of RAM, you'll likely receive this error when you try to launch the game.

If your computer is new enough to be DirectX 11 compatible, it's possible to run the game through the wonderful DirectX wrapper included in dgvoodoo 2.41.


Unzip D3DImm.dll, ddraw.dll, and dgVoodooSetup.exe from the zip file to your Motocross Madness directory (do not place any of these files in a system folder), then run dgVoodooSetup (run as administrator).


Once you have the dgVoodoo configurator up, you have to add your MCM folder to its’ list. You can do that by clicking the backslash icon (it’s to the left of “add” in the top right corner). Click “Apply” and “Okay” and you should be done. If it worked, you should now see that a “dgvoodoo.conf” file has been added to your game folder.

Finally, set your MCM.exe file to 'run as adminstrator' as well.


If you do not do this, the game will still run, but for some reason it will not save your resolution and graphics settings. It will always revert to 640x480 resolution.


If all has gone well, you'll get this message the next time you try to start the game. Click OK and your monitor will go black for a few moments, after which the game should load.

If you have questions or comments about this game, you can leave me a note at the message board.

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